Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Change in the winds

I've started a new posting every month since December. And do you think I have finished a single one of them? Of course not. I guess that's what happens when you have a walking  running  sprinting toddler. And is he ever fast. He starts at one end of the living room, says "Go!" and tears across at an ungodly pace squealing with delight. Needless to say, I find it difficult to take time to sit down and write. Not sure how you mothers of multiple children find the time to do this on a daily basis! I was reading back on my previous posts and noticed that the posts stopped just about the same time that he started to walk. And it has not slowed down yet! :) But what a beautiful blissful life I get to live.

We have had quite an eventful past few months. We've had 3 plane rides, seen family and friends from California to North Dakota to Montana and Wyoming. We've celebrated and mourned. We had a first birthday. We have had an unusually warm and cold fall and winter. We've had financially difficult times and we have found ourselves overflowing with blessings.

This is the life. This precious, precious thing called life. I am so blessed.

I've decided to make some changes, however. Changes to benefit our precious lives. We only get one and I want to make the most of mine. To fill you in a little, Amaias came down with a severe upper respiratory illness just before Thanksgiving of this past year. It landed him in the ER the weekend before Christmas, (a fever of 104 and strep throat) and tagged along side of him through the entire month of January. He was ill for the entire month of December and January. All we kept hearing from the doctors was that is was viral and we needed to wait it out. He was on an antibiotic for awhile which took the edge of for a week or two but nothing more. We finally had a divine encounter with a phenomenal doctor who directed us to remove a certain amount of dairy from his diet, nix the bottle all together and upped his dosage on the antibiotic. She educated us in a few dietary issues and concerns and thanks to her, we now have a healthy boy again. Praise God! This being said, I'm making some changes. Changes to our lifestyle, changes to our diet and even more, changes to this blog! And I am SO excited.

We are going 100% organic. As simple as this sounds, I know that there will be challenges and higher cost of goods. It is a complete paradigm shift. Some of you may be asking yourselves, "Why?". Here is what I know.  Most of the food we consume is becoming more and more toxic. With the amount of pesticides used on our produce, (read this article), the amount of hormones and antibiotics fed and injected to our livestock and the way they are raised (watch the film Food, Inc.), we have almost been handed a death sentence. Our bodies are aging faster, children are going through puberty at a much earlier age and much quicker pace, the cancer rates are sky rocketing, the economy is struggling which means lower income families and we are struggling to afford quality food resulting in these harmful results. I could go on and on. I really can, which is exactly why I have decided to take this leap.  Obviously this will be a bit challenging and I want to invite you to come along in our journey. I'll do my best to educate my self so that I can, in turn, educate you.

In this blog I am going to do my best to find cheap economical ways to live a fresh life. I will be making most of our detergents and toiletries. We will be growing our own garden. We will compost. We will learn. Most importantly, we will fail in the process but we will learn. I'll be taking pictures as well of any changes we see in ourselves. I will post any and all recipes I find to be must haves.

Oh boy. Now I've gone public. This is a huge step for me. I've been dwelling on this for so long and scared to put it down in "writing" for fear of change. But it is time. I'm so tired of my baby being sick. I'm so tired of this country killing the temples in which we live.

It's time for a change. Holy crap.

To be continued....


  1. What an awesome undertaking! You can totally do it though. Let me know if you have any questions in the gardening arena. As for the cleaning, I have tried really hard to remove chemical cleaners from our house. I love Baking Soda and Vinegar either together or separate for a myriad of uses and Dr Bronner soap is a staple we have 3 different kinds in the shower (one for each of us including a mild baby version) and I keep a bottle in the kitchen too. My other favorite change we have made it to use Crystal Deodorant instead of mainstream ones. It costs a tad more up front but it lasts wayyy longer and there isn't the fear of the aluminum whatchamacallit in it. I am really excited for you and your family~

  2. Thanks for the advice, Gretchen!! I think I may need to pick your brain a little bit :). I've been doing tons and tons of research but I know I'll have some questions.
