Monday, June 28, 2010

I will call her "Shallow" and she will lay an egg...

Meet Shallow. She has made her home in a tree right outside my living room window. My little feathered friend. She sits there in the shade of her tree snuggled in her tidy nest. I keep poking my head out to watch her be and we catch each others eyes every now and again. A beautiful friendship in the making.

I know she is going to lay an egg. I just know it. And best believe, I will be watching her every move as she raises up her young. Naturally, she has so much I can learn from. She is the mistress of he domain. The ultimate care-giver. She has made a home to raise her young in that is secure, sanitary and is out of harms way. She will sit on that egg and keep watch until it hatches; she will gather food all day to feed her baby; she will teach the little one independence, good manor and grace.

Oh good little mama bird. Teach me your ways...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

To Love...

I am what you would call a hopeless romantic. To the core. I love. I love everything. I melt at the sight of new love; of old love. I could watch chic-flicks or love stories for hours on end. I love flowers delivered to me; dinner by candle-light; sunsets; sunrises. Singing and dancing in the rain.  I love walking hand-in-hand with the one I love.

Life presents itself to me in the form of beauty. Everything is beautiful and lovely. Everything, that is, except running. Running is painful, tiring, dry out your lungs ridiculous and frankly, most people look pretty darn funny when doing it. But now that I have presented such a harsh statement, I must now ask myself a question.  Why am I finding myself falling in love with this disgusting sport? Maybe I can cough it up to being an addict. That's it; I'm just addicted to running. Although, the wind in my face is such a beautiful feeling. Exploring the radiant neighborhood we live in makes me feel more connected. That hour or two or three by myself allows me to dream...about flowers and date nights and little giggles from little babies and everything else that I love.

I run for time to dream. I run to create a healthier lifestyle and to create healthy habits. I run because God has given me two strong legs and a healthy set of lungs. Perhaps running is beautiful. Perhaps, I love running. I must be sick...