Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I'll make you a list

Well, I obviously am not very consistent on here and I feel as if I should try and redeem myself by justifying the lack of my presence. I will do so in a manner that I feel works best for me. I am a list maker through and through. I get grief for it regularly. I've been told that eventually I will end up like Frank Allen in Chaos Theory. And while I plan on continuing in my ways, I sure hope the end result is a much happier, organized one.

Let the list blog commence.

1. I now have a 20 month old son. I feel like this point is self explanatory if you have children. But for those that do not, I will elaborate. Have you ever had a puppy? They chew on things, everything goes into their mouths, their energy level is out of this world, they eat nonstop, they poop...allot and they retaliate discipline with goofy grins and innocent arrogance. But most importantly, they change and they grow so fast that you find it difficult to spend time away from them. An immeasurable bond is formed between the two of you. Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth fingers keyboard? My son is consuming and I wouldn't have it any other way. Latest and greatests would include but by no means limited to:
  • Running sideways
  • Running around the house with arms extended behind him in Superman fashion
  • Climbing everything and jumping across from one furniture pice to the next
  • Cuddling!! I never thought the day would come where he would want to be stationary for more than a minute
  • He has been healthy (except for a couple of days with a runny nose) since my last post. Praise the Lord for a divine encounter with that wonderful doctor and for healing. He has gained 4 pounds in the last month and is back on track!
  • He loves sticks and pine cones. I foresee many camping trips in the future.
  • He spits
  • He hits just so he can give you a hug to say sorry. Not sure how I feel about that one. 
2. I have not forgotten about about our healthy living changes! Since my last post we have experimented with homemade deodorant and have been buying only organic fruit. Here are my findings thus far:
  • Home made deodorant is so easy to make!! All you need are a few ingredients. An old empty deodorant stick washed out, coconut oil, baking soda, cornstarch and a couple different essential oils. I'll be posting pictures and directions in my next post. I promise it will be soon :)
  • Pros and cons: super cheap, aluminum free (extremely important as aluminum has been linked to breast cancer as armpits are so close the the chest. P.S. this goes for men as well as women!), you get to customize your scent, BUT do note that it is important to keep it in a cool place as it will melt down and not hold it's form in heat (keeping it in the fridge is a good idea). If you do not let it settle before using it, it could crumble on your underarms as you apply it. 
  • I am currently opting for the easier less messier route. I am using the mineral salt stone. I picked it up at Sunflower Market for $2.99 and can last up to a year. It is a square, clear stone that you wet before rubbing it in your pit. Sounds strange but it is a great alternative. Be careful if you do opt for this route as many mineral deodorants contain aluminum. Read your labels! I love the natural feel it leaves. You don't feel like you are coated in grease and it has no aroma. The only thing I have noticed is that I need to apply it two times a day on the warmer days. Not that I have noticed a smell, but I just felt a little more comfortable with the idea :).
  • Organic fruit tastes so much better! It is so true!! Downside is that it doesn't last as long so avoid over buying unless you know you will go through it fairly quickly. (freezing fruit is also an option. Makes for great fruit smoothies when certain fruits are out of season too)

3.  We are moving to Williston, North Dakota and it is just starting to feel like it's actually happening. Good thing as my new job starts in 13 days! We have 8 days left to pack up everything and hit the road. I am so anxiousnervousexcitedscaredhappysad. There is no other way to describe it. In 28 years, the longest I have ever lived away from my family was 2 months while I stayed in Oregon with my grandparents. In 12 years, I have lived in the same city which I did not grow up in but I still know it as home. I have met some of the worlds best friends here. I have been blessed to have been able to stay home with my son for the first 20 months of his life. Something not everyone has the opportunity to do. My heart breaks knowing that is about to change. But I am still blessed! The core of this move is financially related. While we are not that far in, we are ready to be a debt free family. We are ready to be ahead instead of continuously trying to catch up. We want stability. And frankly, why not do something drastic while we are both still young *ahem* younger. I know the desires of our hearts will be met. I also know that we have to work for what we want. I am working full time until we are debt free. I have been blessed with a job opportunity working for a very large company that starts at a very decent wage. I have been blessed with an amazing supportive family that I am so sad to leave. I am so grateful for the time I have had here with them and for the time they were able to spend with Amaias. I am so excited to see where we all end up in the next chapter. This chapter has been quite the page turner for all of us and I am beyond grateful we were able to live it together. My heart is saddened but I know this is just the beginning of something new. I have been blessed with a job that I am saddened to leave. It started as a job and ended as a family. I have made some everlasting friendships. I believe I am a better person today because of them. I have been blessed with a beautiful array of friendships that have developed over the years. I know I do not need to name names as you know who you are. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for opening up your lives to me. I don't know how I can ever find friendships quite like these. I have been blessed with a steady heart. Despite how difficult this is for me, I have been able to maintain focus and vision. If you know me, you know how huge that is. I have been blessed with wonderful in-laws that are willing to let us invade their home and watch my son full time while we work! I have been blessed. I am not sure there are any better words.

I know I could write more but I hear a little voice that just woke up from his nap. It is absolutely beautiful outside so I think we will venture out. I suggest you do the same!

Much love,