Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Somedays I wish I were a bird...

What a wonderful baby daddy. Meet Hal, Shallow's man bird. He is steady, strong and caring. Every woman's dream.

Over the past few weeks, Kelly, Amaias and I have had the privilege of watching these birds live a life similar to you and I. And it was perfect. The perfect nest snuggled into the most desired location, a tree tucked in the far back corner out of sight and nestled in between a series of branches which held it firmly in place. Shallow sat for days on what I believed to be an egg or two. Very rarely did she leave the nest and when she did, Hal stood watch.

Saturday, after work, Kelly called me to the window and revealed the most amazing sight. Two beautiful baby birds had hatched that morning and their song they sang was wonderful.

 Meet Willow and Grace. Aren't they beauties?

Hal and Shallow both took turns all day long feeding the seemingly bottomless pits. One would stand watch while the other would dig up the worm. Team work. A single parental unit. They worked so well together and it was inspiring.

Today, they were wanting to fly. They were almost ready. Shallow had raised such independent children.

Yesterday, I wanted to be a bird. I wanted to soar on the breeze with my feathered friends and feel the wind beneath my wings pushing me up and pulling me down. I wanted to see what it was like in that nest with three birds. I wanted to hear the conversation between mother and father as they watched in awe over their young children. Yesterday would have been a perfect day.

Today, however, is not one of those days. Today I mourn. I mourn for my dear bird family. Man interfered with natures natural course. The perfect nest in the perfect tree now lays on the ground empty and cold. The tree that once sheltered this family is now gone and my window is quiet. And I mourn.

I went searching next door for my baby birds. We looked everywhere. Sadly, the contractor responsible informed me he had stepped on one and the other fled the scene.

With my baby in my arms, I watched as Hal returned to his missing home with a big fat worm hanging from his beak. He looked frantic. I cried. I did. I can't imagine returning home after a hard days work and finding my entire home and my children gone. Everything you have worked for.

I really don't understand why this hit me so hard. They are birds. I eat turkey in my sandwich almost every day. I mean realistically, I've probably eaten close to 10 whole turkeys in my life and I really could care less! But today. Today has been a rough one.

Tonight, I hold my baby a little tighter; a little longer; thankful that today I am not a bird.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Well Past My Bedtime...

Not much to write tonight. Well, I am sure there is plenty to write. I am just wanting to go to bed but I told myself I'm not allowed to go until I blogged. So here it is. The blog before bed.

I'll leave you with a few thoughts:

1. This television fast is proving to be one of the best things we have done for ourselves. We are talking more and enjoying each others company. Things are getting done around the house. We just feel better all around!! I highly recommend this for every family. Flip the switch!

2. I've officially enrolled in school for the fall. I don't know why I am so nervous but I am. Regardless, I have high hopes of a wonderful academic filled next 8 years of my life!! :)

3. I'm working tomorrow, Saturday. Come visit me at Colorado Coffee Merchants from 8-2!!

4. I am starting to observe that I over use the exclamation mark. I'll refrain from doing so at this point.

And for my final thought, “All the flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds of yesterday”. Plant wisely and prosper.

Goodnight, my dear friends.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hi. My name is Kirsten

...and I'm a T.V.aholic. No, really. Let me break it down for you.

Mondays. Oh glorious Mondays. Mondays provide a good dose of CBS' "How I Met Your Mother" and the must see CBS' "The Big Bang Theory".

Tuesdays provide quite the entertainment with an episode of ABC's "Wipeout" along with an occasional viewing of FOX's "Hell's Kitchen".

Wednesday evenings are reserved for the tiny dancer within. "So You Think You Can Dance" on FOX makes me want get up and get down. It reignites that fire with in me every season. Perhaps I should stop watching and actually get off my butt and take a dance class or three...

Thursdays. Why do you have to be so cruel to me? Thursdays prove to be a difficult night for television. You see, at 8 o'clock, all battling for my attention are "Glee" on FOX, "Community" on NBC and another dose of "Wipeout" followed close behind by the results show of  "So You Think You Can Dance".

Fridays are old news filled with rerun after rerun.

And if that wasn't enough for you, for fun, let's just throw in a 1/2 hour a night of your local evening news, the World Cup and maybe a couple reruns.

Please excuse me while I step away from my writing for a few moments to throw up. Sick. You really should know that I really don't get around to each of these every week but if I could, I would.

Perhaps you are so disgusted with me that your reading has subsided by this point. But in the case you are the kind of person that looks even though it is disgusting and find yourself still reading this, you may be asking yourself, "How?" How do you manage to fit housework, a family, work and a dog into your boob-tube lifestyle? Allow me to explain...

1. The baby goes to sleep between 7 and 7:30 pm.
2. The dog just sleeps and barks at cats.
3. I work while I watch. I guess it's more for the background noise since I can't really watch T.V. and label bags at the same time.
4. Kelly and I bond over television. (No not really. That's just wrong. But we do watch together)
5. The housework just doesn't get done. You know the the song "Burning Down the House"? That song plays in my head and a grin creeps across my jawline. No, not really. In fact, Kelly and I were just discussing our lack of attention to detail around this place. Please continue to read...

We have found ourselves in a mess of a place. Not horrific but definitely not a relaxing home environment. Just messy. I decided we needed more discipline in our lives. At this point in our conversation, my stomach dropped to basement level and I felt sick as the words spewed out of my dirty little mouth, "Maybe we should do a T.V. fast?".  (you know, you always feel better after you throw up. I know. That's really gross. But it is true, isn't it?) As I wiped the remnants of those dirty words from my face, I felt free.

So, today on July 4th, as we celebrate our country's freedom, we have broken the chains and flipped the switch. We are free!!! Let the T.V. fast commence!! Well, all except the World Cup and our nightly news. Gotta start somewhere, right? 

Thursday, July 1, 2010

5 Years and Counting...

If you were to ask me 10 years ago where I thought I'd be today, I would have told you that I would be married and have a baby. Done and done.

How do you know you are following God's plan? He gives you dreams and you find yourself living them. 5 years ago tomorrow, I married my best friend, Kelly Ryan Havskjold. I honestly cannot believe that it has already been that long.

Kelly, thank you. Thank you for loving me and my quirks. Thank you for the wonderful life that you have shared with me; for sharing your beautiful family; for our perfect son, Amaias; for allowing me the privilege to be a part of your life. I am so so lucky to have you as a husband and also as a father for Amaias.

You are so special to me and I look forward to the next 5 and the next and the next and the next......

I love you! Happy Anniversary.
