Sunday, April 18, 2010

Here comes the sun...

I can't believe it's been 6 1/2 months already. In about 7 hours we go in for Amaias' 6 month check up and his next round of vaccinations. God, please hold my heart for me so it doesn't break. I know it's routine. Needles are shoved into very active little legs every day. But those tears. Those sad eyes and huge rolly tears that make their debut only on such occasions. It's enough to shatter a tender heart.

The first time I ever witnessed said tears was at his 2 month check-up. Before that day, he could scream until he was red in the face, mouth wide open, eyes welded shut and all you could hear was that airy sound that was replacing his "death scream" as we like to call it. But no tears. A scratch on the nose from his fingernails; no tears. Barley dog sitting on him; no tears. My cell phone dropped on his poor face (the guilt still grabs my gut); no tears.

This particular day, Kelly had to work so I was left to take baby by myself in for this appointment. I made sure he was well fed, changed and ready to flirt. I prepared my heart with a quick prayer in petition for a smooth "Round 1" with no tears from mommy.

Enter our pediatrician and my failed attempt at being invincible #31,989. As the doctor listened to Amaias' heart, he kept letting out little "huh"s and "hmm"s. No actual words. After what I swear had to have been 3 days, maybe 4, he finally looked at me and informed me he was hearing a murmur. A possible Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD). He had me listen. It was such an odd feeling to be listening to my baby's heartbeat while actually looking at his little round face! So incredible to think that this same heart beat was the one that lived in me just weeks prior and here he was, sitting on my lap.

Doc could have been speaking Romanian for all I knew. I tried so hard to stay focused and remember everything he was telling me. But really all I heard was the teachers voice from Charlie Brown and something about it possibly being a small hole which is better than a larger one; possibly surgery or medication to mend it; a visit to the cardiologist to follow up. Next thing I knew, in rolled the nurse and her cart with the vaccinations.

I'm convinced that giving infants shots could be an Olympic sport. Such speed. Such precision. Such force. There; I said it. Wham, bam , thank you ma'am. Get 'er done. She was done in record time but to me time stood still. That smile on little man's face slowly turned down, his eyes welled up and down rolled the biggest, baddest, saddest crocodile tear I had seen.

There in the comfort of the monkey decorated doctors office, I lost it. I held my baby and his broken heart ever so close and I cried. We both cried. As small as it may be, it's still a hole. In the heart. Fear has no place in me. I won't allow it into the comfort of my heart or my home. But at that time, it was knocking; pounding.

Thank God for the internet. The first thing I did when we were home was GOOGLE those three letters, VSD. What I learned, in a nutshell, is that:
1. A ventricular septal defect (VSD) is a defect in the septum between the right and left ventricle (chamber). 
2. It's a more common occurrence than I realized.
3. The hole will not grow but the baby will. So the hole will become smaller over time as he outgrows it.

We followed up with a cardiologist and had an ultrasound done on his heart which revealed two holes. Both of them small and both common. He was placed on a medication to keep his heart from dilating but other than that we will keep following up with the cardiologist every few months to keep tabs on it. Most likely he won't be needing his medication after his next appointment.

So, needless to say, as much as I honestly do love these "well baby" check-ups, my stomach still takes a plunge before-hand. But I believe in a much higher power. I believe in a God much bigger than any ailment, sickness or disease. And in knowing this, I look forward with great anticipation for what tomorrows appointment has in store.

Here's to no more tears. Let's get this chunky monkey boy up on that scale already!!! Do I hear 19lbs??

This Magic Moment...

It's 12:51 in the afternoon and I can't catch a break. My house is a wreck. Order turned chaos and I want nothing to do with it. I would rather sit here by my lonesome and chill. But most of my fellow parents out there can relate, as my Grandmother would state, "This isn't Burger King and you can't always have it your way." For in the background I have a hungry tired baby, a hyperactive dog in dire need of a hard core run, a husband lacking my thinning attention and a house so ignited with mess that I'm almost certain one spark could send this sucker into space.

It's times like these that I have to take a moment for me and literally just do nothing at all. And in this exact moment that I have taken for myself, as I pass by the mountain in my laundry room, as Barley dog drops his ball at my feet; tail wagging in anticipation, as my baby looks at me with his crocodile tear filled eyes and my husband asks "What's for lunch", in this EXACT moment, I have come to the realization that there is no better feeling in the world than to feel wanted. Needed. Desired.

May your life be filled with such beautiful chaos.

Where to begin...

Finally. A place where thoughts meet the eye. Here I am. Here they are...